Saturday, 19 October 2013

The World and Destiny

The darkness of the night embraced her light death
as she stumbled slowly toward her destiny,
Eyes stained in tears and clothes stained in blood

Why did she need this feeling of accomplishment
The feeling to be able to looking the mirror and accept yourself
To feel wanted by all those shadows that told you otherwise
To fill that void in our hearts

Why does the darkness rip at us
Tearing our hearts and dreams apart
releasing the pain and the envy
the emotions we try so hard to forget

The world is too cruel, it doesn't accept who we really are
It judges us for or personality, our character and our Attitude
The world thinks that we must abide  by their rules be their, puppets and do their bidding
We must wear their choices, say their wisdom and learn to be perfect

But nobody's destiny is perfect, its torn, crumbled, changed, shattered
Nobody knows who'll they'll become before they know who they are
We must keep seeking our true selves before the world destroys our destiny

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