Sunday 24 March 2013

The Devil in disquise

The Dark haunting hallway
Noises no light
I see him standing there
The devil in disquise
He's smiling creepily
Laughing at me heavaly
He's asking for my soul
My life that is alone
He want's me to agree
To be with him forever
Through pain and blood
Death and Eternity
In hell
He wants me to forget
The pain
The Envie
The Loss
The tears
He cares to much about me
He says
He says he can love me
and care for me
I look behind me, At the light
I smile
And walk toward the world of darkness
Hand in hand with the devil in desquise

Saturday 23 March 2013

Dark Angels Of Shadows

Dark Angels of shadow
Wait patiently to steal
The light that shines
Inside us
The Dark Angels of shadow
Send Nightmares to us
And whisper to us what we fear most
We fear love
We fear pain
We fear Acceptance
We fear betrayel
Those Dark Angels steal our hopes
And Dreams
And replace them with lies
Our light inside weakens
more and more
And then it disaperes
Were left wandering
Full of despair
We cry and hurt
But those Dark Angels of shadow
Laughs happy munching
on the light 

People Only Think Of themself

The loud noises of laughter
The Bright light of smiles
Are Just completly nonsense to me
I don't get life 
It doesn't mean anything
Why do we try to get along
With people who
Only think
Highly of themself's
THey selfeshly over look
 The problems
They ignore their feelings
Hide behind false truthes
They hurt people's feelings
They destroi emotions
Why do people try so hard to hide
Their true self
When thier true self can make 
Life thrilling
Nothing is perfect when
People over look

Tuesday 19 March 2013

He lied to me

Thud, Thud Thud
My heart hurts
He broke it
After he said he loved me
He lied
He smelled of
womens perfume
I'd never smelt before
He stoped noticing me
He stoped caring
He stoped smiling
He never looked at me
to begin with
He yelled at me
He called me gross
He made rumors about me
He sent me into complet darkness
I felt hurt
I cryed myself to sleep
I sealed my heart
Promised myself
To never love again

Why Do People try to see the inebitible

The dark eirie Night so silent
You can here
The defening screams
Calling for help
But novody notices
They ignore them completly
Everyone is only thinking
Highly of themselfs
Thinking of the past
or their future
Silently looking past
the pain of others
They ignore the bullies
Help them achieve their goal
They  laugh at reality
and feel bad about
The make belief
They can't understand something
They've never seen
Why do people think they can
Save someone from diaster
When their eyes are never watching

It's Spreading

Bam, Bam,Bam.... It's coming

The darkness is spread
Over the walls
The Floor and My heart

Everything is black
It's empty
And you can't breath

It's mucky and hot but
your safe from pain

You can't see your path ahead

Because there's not light
No laughter
No smiles
No tears

No kind words telling you, you're fine
I love this place, My eternal night.


I Smile but it means nothing
I laugh but it's fake
I cry for my lies and myself

I can't love
I can't care
I can't feel emotions normaly

I wear a mask
of kindness

But i don't care
about the world

The faces that are so near but so far
The words i'm suppose to hear

I can't trust anyone
I can't handel Heartbreak

I was broken
And now i'm

I'm tainted by darkness
by my emotionless

I will never be loved the
way i want to be, It's Enternally Impossible

Time's spinning

The Taping feet of time
Wasted trying
to be seen
The Darkness
That Swallowed all
The light and Laughter
The thumping feeling
Of my heart
Frightend to breath
I ask myself
Why am i here
Who am i
Why was i born
Who wants me
Nobody answers
it's completly silent
There is nobody here
It's empty
I try to cry
But can't
I scream but nothing
comes out
Nobody will hear
My cries for help
Nobody will see behind
The mask i wear each day
I am truely alone in darkness

Friday 15 March 2013

The Dark Weiry Old Tree And The Light

The dark weiry old tree
Embrasses me ever so forcefully
It tells me it wants the light
That i have kept hidden

So i can join him in distruction
He tells me to forget the pain
Of everyday and to rememeber
The word that crushed my soul

The weiry tree was terrifing
But i understude it
It was betrayed and hurt
And crushed from the inside out

Nobody ever smiled or laughed
For it and nobody ever hugged it and
Told it everything would be fine

I knew because that tree was me
I never got told i'd be fine or everything
Was alright, I was told to move on and forget
My tears were never heard and my screams were
Echo's that were never loud enough

The darkness prevailed and i became
Heartsless just like this weiry old tree
It sits Useless and alone

But inside it's a flower waiting for the right one to
Water and care for it, Telling it it's finally safe
From the dangerous world of Pain

Saturday 9 March 2013

His Face Haunts me

Sadness clouds the heart
like a dark stormy night
His face haunts your mind
 Like a nightmare

Why do you like him
You can't see him anymore
He moved on in life
He would never see you

But you loved him
He was the missing part
Of your soul but you
Were scared of his words
His voice saying
Eww your ugle
Your a monster

No matter how many
Tears fall he'll never
Know the deep secret in your
Heart and the night alown
With be clouded with darkness

Darkness and Light

The Choice of darkness and light
Haunts my heart
What should i choose

 I hate the lonely light
Were nobody sees me
My pain and my screams

Emptyness in my heart
And lonleyness in my brain
I look aheaad and see

I see me alone
with no love with no one
Every laughs at me in the light
And hates me in the dark

What should i choose
I don't know anymore
Which is better Darkness or the light
I'll keep asking myself that
See More

Friday 8 March 2013

The Dark Ocean and the Offer

The Dark blue ocean calls to me
I answer it
What do you want i ask confused
I am here to give you an offer it says creepily
What kind of offer i say interestedly
You can die in my oceans and become a dolphin
you Can live a lonely life on Land were everybody can't accept you
I think alot what should i do
should i take the offer
should i refuse
The misery of land is so painfull and dreery
The life as a beautifull dolphin who everyone loves'
I Smile and walk to the ocean and
i drown silently
And i woke up and i was a beautiful dolphine
and i was accepted into the ocean
as a sombody not a nobody

Life what does it mean

Whats the meaning
of life
The meaning to
What's the reason
to go on
To live
To become something
To be happy
What's the meaning of
Happy ever after
It doesn't exist
Does it?
What's true love
Love at first sight
Isn't it a mith
 a game of pain
Why must it be depressing
Lonely and empty
Why does life seem so important
but all it brings is
Pain and wonder

Hearts and Souls

Dark walls of sin
         cover the heart
                Dissolving the sunshine within
The Evil smiles
      And haunting laughter
crush the soul
The words that
Never hit the
Always bleeding heart
The Fake smiles
The betraying feeling
the empty hallway
The loud footsteps
Of the painfull day
The love that could never happen
The friends who would never listen
The tears never seen
The screams never heard
The crys for help
That are locked away
In the emptyness of the heart

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Play the worlds game

Laugh, smile
Stand Tall and Stand Proud
Don't listen to the bad words
Listen to the good one's
Hide your tears from the
People who won't listen
Because you will be alright

Be pround of your mistakes
Smile at the feeling of outcast
Laugh at the problems
And say okay i won't let it go
That way

Don't get depressed stop
Thinking of the bad things
Stay strong and healthy or
You will become physically unwell

So take charge and play
the worlds game, Smile and laugh
And do your  share because you'll shine
and show them that their harmfelt things
wont bring you down.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Regret And Revenge

Skin crawl everytime you think
Breath quickens and your about to cry
Heart stings but all you hear is this laughter
Around you following you

You regret it everything
The feelings
The memories
The time spent wondering

Then you think revenge
is the Answer
That after your revenge is answered
Then the laughter will stop and
Follow someone else

That the Memories will fade and
the feelings will disaper and you'll
be fine, You'd move on and live a happy life

Regret will always be there and will
stay there even after you get revenge
so deal and acept it because if you try
too get revenge

You'll still be hurt in the end!

Monday 4 March 2013


Darkness is near you
                  running around your head
It clouds all your thoughts
                                It's like a burgaler

It steals the pain
It steals the tears
It steals the heart break

It turns you cold
                  Like a frezzer inside
Your starting to neglect your heart
                      you become distant
Of what your really want

It steals the Anger
It steals the Hate
It steals the Lies

It makes you forget
          what happened in the past
Any emotion that hurts to bad

I'm gratefull for the darkness
                        that clouds my heart
It helps me to see the unclear

I  can forget and move on about love
                  because it's meaningles to me